bilby|bilbies in English


type of small bandicoot (with large ears, pointed nose and a long furry tail) native to Australia and New Guinea, rabbit-eared bandicoot

Use "bilby|bilbies" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bilby|bilbies" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bilby|bilbies", or refer to the context using the word "bilby|bilbies" in the English Dictionary.

1. Rabbit-eared Bandicoots, more usually known as bilbies, are species of Macrotis.The greater bilby (M

2. Bilbies are actually Bandicoots! The Greater Bilby is the only remaining living member of the bandicoot family Thylacomyinae

3. Bilby commented on the list Bywords

4. Bilby commented on the word Aught

5. Bilby commented on the word Bupkis

6. Bilby commented on the word Assinine

7. Bilby commented on the word Astir

8. Bilby commented on the word Bewail "Though in this city he

9. Bilby commented on the word Cumbrous "Then, without warning, the tunnel ended

10. Bandicoots and bilbies are small to medium sized (150–2500 g) omnivorous marsupials found only in Australia, New Guinea and surrounding islands

11. Bilby commented on the word Careworn "I looked up and noticed that the horse and rider had just passed the young woman

12. Bilby commented on the word Awry "Widespread opposition to and unhappiness with the war (and its expense) has long fueled a broader feeling that the U.S

13. The data are in agreement with the predictions of Bilby, Cottrell and Swinden concerning the static yielding, and indicate that maximum shearing stress rather than shear stress amplitude should be used for best correlation.

14. Bilby commented on the word Addle "Addled by 1712, from Addle (n.) 'urine, liquid filth,' from Old English adela 'mud, mire, liquid manure' (cognate with Old Swedish adel 'urine,' Middle Low German adel, Dutch aal 'puddle')

15. Bilby commented on the word Athwart "Hassan Abd al-Hassad, an Agha Khan, basks at an ashram - a Taj Mahal that has grand parks and grass lawns, all as vast as parklands at Alhambra and Valhalla.

16. Bilby commented on the word Bemute I was doing some interpreting once for the Minister for Agriculture when he had a foreign visitor who had asked specifically to inspect the cattle-loading facilities at the new port

17. Bilby commented on the word Accreting "'We've had a lot of changing in currents over the past decade or so,' explains Dr Taylor, 'and with the changing currents and increased storm activity in the fall especially, it's undercutting the gravels and the point is literally washing out into the ocean.'

18. Bilby commented on the word Bellend "Bottom line is, some Bellend in an office has recieved your letter and has responded in a heartless way due to either A) Being a twat or B) Knowing that there is no option and they're 'just doing their job'." - forum post,, cited 6 March 2010